Author: Jindra Petřík
News in FFDec 21.1.x
Older FLA export, VS code export, generating bin files in FLA export in 21.1.x version.
News in FFDec 21.0.x
Colorized CLI help, ActionScript linkage dialog, ABC cleaner, export to IDEA or FD projects, AS3 debugger for nested SWFs. Harman AIR 51 support. That and even more in the 21.0.x version.
News in FFDec 20.1.x
Copy/paste frames, new debugger fearures, Harman encryption / unpackers enhancements, breakpoint list and scene information usage, all in in 20.1.x version.
News in FFDec 20.0.x
Hidable P-code panel, better debugging, creating new tags directly from files, replacing morphshapes and more in 20.0.x version.
News in FFDec 19.1.x
Mochicrypt support, replace Sprite with GIF, SVG enhancements, AS1/2 code docs in the 19.1.x version of the decompiler.
News in FFDec 19.0.x
Embedded assets export, DefineFont4 export, new Compound scripts handling and brand new ABC Explorer tool. And more in 19.0.x version of FFDec.
News in FFDec 18.5.x
Harman AIR encrypted SWFs support. Summary of news in 18.5.x version of the decompiler.
News in FFDec 18.4.x
AS3 dependencies, class trait editation and new context menus for AS1/2. This post sums new features of version 18.4.x of JPEXS Free Flash decompiler.
Strange vertical text
In Flash editor you can create text which is positioned vertically. It has some strange format of SWF file upon compilation.
AS3 getouterscope instruction
During my journeys around ActionScript 3 bytecode I encountered interesting undocumented instruction called getouterscope. The instruction is not documented in official Avm2 overview available online which makes it harder to understand.