News in FFDec 18.4.x

AS3 dependencies, class trait editation and new context menus for AS1/2. This post sums new features of version 18.4.x of JPEXS Free Flash decompiler.

18.4.0 – 2023-03-19

Logical compound operator

You can now use &&= and ||= assign operators in AS3 direct editation and these are also recognized during decompilation. They are not available in AS1/2.

Display missing namespaces

When AS3 namespace is not found and is set on a trait, §§namespace keyword is displayed instead with the missing URL value. You can direct edit it in FFDec.

§§namespace keyword used instead unknown namespace identifier

AS3 Dependencies selection

To properly resolve types, namespaces, etc. coming from other SWF files, you can now select SWF files which the current SWF file depends on.

Select dependencies via link icon

FileAttributes swf relative URLs

FileAttributes tag has newly recognized flag swf relative urls if the SWF file uses relative URLs.

New flag swfRelativeUrls

AS3 P-code – Editing class trait

You can now edit class trait parameters. Just highlight class header and class trait p-code will be shown.

Class trait P-code editor

Note that for “extends” clause editation, you also need to modify script initializer to properly propagate scopes. You just need to know what you are doing.

Updated Chinese translation

XiaozhiCar was so kind and updated Chinese translation to the current version.

FLA export – AS2 Sprite linkage to a class

During FLA export, FFDec now assigns sprites to the classes in AS2 file.
This is taken from calls like Object.registerClass("name", mypkg.MyClass);
inside DoInitActions.

Context menu for adding AS1/2 scripts on objects

You can now add AS1/2 scripts directly on objects they belong to. Previously it was only possible on scripts node.

DoAction on frame
DoInitAction on DefineSprite

Allow adding second DoAction to a frame

During adding AS1/2 script, there was impossible to add script if it already had one. That is now allowed.

OK button is now enabled

For full list of changes including bug fixes, see release info at






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