Author: Jindra Petřík
AS3 getouterscope instruction
During my journeys around ActionScript 3 bytecode I encountered interesting undocumented instruction called getouterscope. The instruction is not documented in official Avm2 overview available online which makes it harder to understand.
News in FFDec 18.3.x
Shape and morphshape editation, scrollbars and few other news in the versions 18.3.x of JPEXS Free Flash decompiler. Let’s see the details.
News in FFDec 18.2.x
Movies and sounds – this is the theme for 18.2.x of JPEXS Free Flash decompiler. Let’s see what’s new.
News in FFDec 18.1.x
Deobfuscation dialogs enhancements and various different features added in 18.1.x of JPEXS Free Flash decompiler. This post lists the features.
News in FFDec 18.0.x
Video playback, transforming tool and many more enhancements in 18.0.x of JPEXS Free Flash decompiler. Let’s take a look on all of these…
Obfuscators comparison
This post contains list of obfuscators with a description of some tricks they use and how FFDec handles it.