Author: Jindra Petřík

  • News in FFDec 18.2.x

    Movies and sounds – this is the theme for 18.2.x of JPEXS Free Flash decompiler. Let’s see what’s new.

  • News in FFDec 18.1.x

    Deobfuscation dialogs enhancements and various different features added in 18.1.x of JPEXS Free Flash decompiler. This post lists the features.

  • News in FFDec 18.0.x

    Video playback, transforming tool and many more enhancements in 18.0.x of JPEXS Free Flash decompiler. Let’s take a look on all of these…

  • Obfuscators comparison

    This post contains list of obfuscators with a description of some tricks they use and how FFDec handles it.