Shape and morphshape editation, scrollbars and few other news in the versions 18.3.x of JPEXS Free Flash decompiler. Let’s see the details.
18.3.0 – 2023-01-01
Shape transforming, point editation
With this version you can use Transform features (move, resize, shear, rotate, …) to Shapes and also new Point editation mode is available where you can move shape points, split existing paths with new points (Hold Ctrl while clicking path), and also delete points with Del key (limited to points which do not change style). You can add points to selection with Shift key. Also a rectangle can be dragged to select more points. To move point precisely to specific position, there are two fields where you can enter X and Y coordinate.

Highlighting of current selected shape edge
When you select a ShapeRecord on the right – raw editor – panel, the selected record is highlighted in the preview – it is flashing from white to gray and has green start point and red endpoint so you can better see it. This also works with morphshapes.

Key strokes on folder preview
You can now also use key strokes like DEL, CTRL+C, … on folder preview panel. Previously, it was available only in the tag tree.

When the SWF preview cannot fit the elements into the window, scrollbars are shown.
You can also move the preview with dragging as previously.

Morphshape transforming, point editation
On morphshape panel, there is new option to Transform shape and Edit points. It works the same way as in shapes. You can decide whether to edit start or end shape of the morph.

Unit selection in header editation
Selection of pixels vs twips was added to the header editation panel.

List of all features including fixed bugs in this version can be found on its release page
18.3.1 – 2023-01-09
GFX – support for TGA external images
TGA images are now supported to display in GFX previews of tags like DefineExternalImage/2, DefineSubImage. Previously only DDS images were supported.
GFX – DefineExternalGradient name
DefineExternalGradient tag has now its gradientId in its name in parentheses.
GFX – DefineExternalSound and DefineExternalStreamSound playback
DefineExternalSound and DefineExternalStreamSound can be played inside the decompiler.
List of all features including fixed bugs in this version can be found on its release page
18.3.2 – 2023-01-10
No new features in this release. List of fixed bugs in this version can be found on its release page
18.3.3 – 2023-01-22
Option to retain shape exact position(bounds) in SVG export
If you want your shape to have exact position during SVG import/export including for example negative coordinates, you can enable “Retain shape bounds during SVG export” feature on Advanced settings / Export page.

Option to disable bitmap smoothing for display
If you do not like bitmap smoothing for display, you can disable it on Advanced settings / Display page. Note that bitmap is smoothed only when it is set so in its shape fill.

List of all features including fixed bugs in this version can be found on its release page
18.3.4 – 2023-01-30
FFDec library dependencies inside ZIP
When you download ZIP file with “library only”, then you now get ZIP file containing all the libraries it depends on. The archive also contains
file with some info about the library.

Remembering script+folder scroll/caret position
During the work with SWF files you surely open many scripts and switch between them. Before 18.3.4, the highlighted position in the script was always lost when switched to other script. This won’t ever happen again. In this version, scroll position and editor caret position is remembered so you can continue the work at exact position you paused it. Also, if the script is pinned, it will save the scroll/caret position after you close the program. This also applies to folder preview listings (shapes, morphshapes, frames, etc…)

This can be turned off on Advanced settings / Interface page.
Also number of remembered items can be configured.

List of all features including fixed bugs in this version can be found on its release page
18.3.5 – 2023-02-12
Display frame labels
If the frame has a label assigned (through FrameLabel tag), it is now displayed as a description in parenthesis near the frame. It is also shown near FrameLabel tag itself.

List of all features including fixed bugs in this version can be found on its release page
18.3.6 – 2023-02-25
No new features in this release. List of fixed bugs in this version can be found on its release page
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